What Is Content Marketing?
Content Marketing
a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.
What is “Content”
Before we can begin talking about content marketing, we must first discuss what “content” is. Put literally, content is “something to be expressed through some medium as speech, writing, or any of various arts”. In terms of your business your content are the pieces of intellectual property you put online. Content can be delivered via many different media including the Internet, cinema, television, radio, smartphones, audio CDs, books, e-books, magazines, and live events, such as speeches, conferences, and stage performances.
Different Kinds of Content:
Books / ebooks
Testimonials / Reviews
Paid Ad Content
How-to Guides
Social Media Post
What Is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is presenting your brand through the content you publish and not through traditional sales techniques. Content marketing is about educating your customers/ audience. Your content will rarely focus on your specific products or services but will instead be broad reaching about your industry as a whole.
For instance, if you sell power tools instead of simply asking your audience to buy your tools, you may choose to send out weekly DIY projects via an email list. After a while, customers will begin to look forward to your emails while the DIY projects will give you a good opportunity to advertise good uses for your. While sending DIY projects may not immediately convert into a sale, your content is creating an engaged customer who is was much more likely to buy and stick around.
With content marketing you take the position of authority on your brand’s niche and engage your customer with relevant information. Content marketing isn't simply telling your customer to buy something, it's letting them know why they need to buy something and also showing them how to incorporate it into their life.
Does Content Marketing Work?
By now you are probably wondering how posting information and not call to actions will work to increase sales. Because let's get down to it, if content marketing didn't make money it wouldn't be worth talking about. Content marketing is all about engaging customers. In the digital age we live In today it takes a steady stream of relevant information to get that attention of our customers. Once we have their attention we must make sure the content we publish keeps them engage.
According to studies Engaged consumers buy 90% more frequently, spend 60% more per transaction and are five times more likely to indicate it is the only brand they would purchase in the future. Engaged customers also spend 300% more over the course of a year.
So you see, it really does pay to keep your customers engaged with relevant content.
Is Content Marking Right For My Brand?
At Jacker Digital we believe content marketing is right for every brand. Research shows that more and more brands are adopting the content marketing approach which means that customers have begun to expect a steady stream of information and content from their favorite friends. In a digital world saturated with brands it is no longer good enough to simply have products or services. Good content add value to a company and only needs to be produced want to have lasting effects. With so many options out there there is no reason every brand can't find someway to adopt content marketing into their business structure. I challenge you to create one piece of content this week to teach your customers something about your industry.